Monday, June 14, 2010
Crysis Folders
Levels folder:
* * * * *
Elevator Keys
Miranda Kerr's Lift: o (down), u (up)
Helen Keller's Lift: p (down), t (up)
Final Submission
The bridge represents the history of women and the role and power they hold within society, the intertwining of multiple strands linking the two office spaces of Helen Keller (left) and Miranda Kerr (right). The concept of power in this design centres on the idea of a force which both client’s posses. Through their work, they are able to influence society in a positive way creating a chain reaction. Moreover, the orientation of this design is balanced reflecting the female mentality. The choice of colours in red and orange symbolise the power associated with each client. These are not subtle colours, the suggest power and authority and demand to be noticed. I chose these colours as they reflect the history of women and their role in society. The use of white suggests purity and honesty of these clients and balances with the boldness of the other colours. The location of the bridge and office spaces in a desert area denotes the idea of struggle and also reflects the history of women.
Miranda Kerr’s office space and elevator is inspired by her support of the ‘green movement’ and her profound immersion in Buddhist spirituality. The organic shape of her office space reflects her belief in living environmentally friendly. Her elevator is reminiscent of a Japanese Zen garden. Though she is famous as a model and fashion icon, her morals and spirituality create an energy that inspires society uphold a similar way of a balanced lifestyle.
Helen Keller’s office space is centred on the idea of her ability to overcome her disability. The exterior façade is compiled of multiple rectangles resembling the different obstacles she had to overcome in her life. This sculptural wall is penetrated by the natural light, which in turn floods the interior space. The elevator is an inverted cube that represents how Keller can be perceived as blind and deaf from her external appearance, but is not bound by these disabilities.
the meeting spot is located below the bridge and office spaces, denoting how although the clients have a strong influence within society and history and are indeed powerful icons, they are still grounded by their beliefs and abilities, and are no better than you or I. The dinning table is simple with its design based in the idea of community. A community of friends, family or followers provides these clients with the power that makes Helen Keller and Miranda Kerr such influential women in society.